Preventing the Most Common Windshield Problems

Most Common Windshield Problems

Preventing the Most Common Windshield Problems

At 5 Star Auto Glass, our experts are well-versed in RV windshields and the common problems that plague RV drivers. These issues can include windshields popping out or cracking—often for reasons other than road debris. As you gear up for camping season and summer RV trips, it’s a good time to educate yourselves on these common problems that often require RV windshield repair or replacement and how to prevent them.

Weather Damage

Calgary’s range of extreme weather conditions can significantly impact RV windshields. Intense hailstorms, strong winds, and freezing temperatures can all cause damage to your RV’s windshield. To protect it from weather-related damage, ensure you stay informed of storm warnings and store your RV properly. If hail is in the forecast, cover your RV’s windshield with a tarp or heavy-duty cover for added protection.

Improper RV Windshield Replacement

When RV owners buy second-hand, it’s hard to stay informed about its full maintenance and repair history. When an RV windshield needs repair or replacement because it’s popped out, it’s often because the previous auto glass shop didn’t fit it correctly. This can be difficult to prevent when purchasing second-hand, but if you own an RV, you can help yourself or future owners by always choosing an experienced, skilled auto glass repair shop like 5 Star Auto Glass if work is needed.

Old Window Sealant

As your RV ages, the rubber sealant around the windshield may become weak and damaged. Check the windshield sealants for any signs of wear while inspecting the roof sealing and caulking on your Rv’s exterior. If they need to be replaced, an RV windshield repair technician can help.

Trust Your RV Windshield to 5 Star Auto Glass

If your RV windshield is chipped, cracked, or popping out, we’re here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment, and we’ll get your RV summer-ready in no time with efficient, professional windshield replacement or repair!